Tarry for the Nonce

January 25, 2005

A Smoking Ban Falls Short

Filed under: News — lmwalker @ 1:18 pm

Four employees of a health care company have been fired for refusing to take a test to determine whether they smoke cigarettes.

Weyco Inc., a health benefits administrator based in Okemos, Mich., adopted a policy Jan. 1 that allows employees to be fired if they smoke, even if the smoking happens after business hours or at home.

As a “more-libertarian-than-not” Republican, I support the right of a private company to hire whom they choose, but should they be permitted to regulate what their employees do on their own time? That doesn’t seem right.


  1. As a proponent of the free market, a company can fire someone for whatever stupid reason they see fit. No one owes anyone a job. Of course, the ones fired can totally sue and possibly win.

    If a company is willing to fire someone over something this dumb, they are unlikely to make wise decisions about their labor force. This will cause them to loose a competitive advantage and loose their market share. Same with a company who hires based on any other bias.

    The free market will take care of everything.

    Now when the government starts messing with people’s personal lives, that’s a whole different story.

    Comment by Mark — January 25, 2005 @ 2:11 pm

  2. Wow, that sounds an awful lot like those drug tests we had to take to get hired. Only even dumber.

    Comment by Toly — January 26, 2005 @ 8:22 am

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