Tarry for the Nonce

February 28, 2003

Severinghaus Thoughts

Filed under: Rambles — lmwalker @ 7:21 pm

poetry can appear
spontaneously from nothing
forming in beads
on the side of your glass
running down onto the paper
as your pen moves
i’ve emptied my glass
the air is cold and dry
i am tired
and my pen has stopped


Filed under: Rambles — lmwalker @ 10:00 am

In deference to Like Disco . . . But Not Really, an improv group that I enjoyed immensely during college, I submit this list of quotations recorded by Ryan Byers.

They also have a show in Champaign on Saturday.

February 27, 2003

Oh, Mr. Grant!

Filed under: News — lmwalker @ 4:24 pm

I’m so glad that Ed Asner has decided to lend his own brand of intellect to the Iraqi debate? And doesn’t the consistency of Mike Farrell just give you the warm fuzzies?

Unfortunately, he can’t be blamed. Our politicians are equally consistent.

Miguel Estrada

Filed under: News — lmwalker @ 10:03 am

I read with interest the George Will opinion on the filibuster of the Miguel Estrada nomination. And I agree with him that “. . . if the president does not wage a fierce, protracted and very public fight for his nominee, he will display insufficient seriousness about the oath he swore to defend the Constitution.”

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Filed under: Entertainment — lmwalker @ 9:38 am

Fred Rogers of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood fame died today. NPR has a tribute of sorts and the dailybulletin.com has some of his quotations. Google is posting new stuff every few minutes. Also, Ed has a nice tribute.

I liked Mr. Rogers.

February 26, 2003

English Rose

Filed under: Rambles — lmwalker @ 9:35 am

One has not truly experienced the brilliance of life until one has witnessed the Andrew Mills impression of Princess Diana.

February 25, 2003

Darren Hron

Filed under: Rambles — lmwalker @ 7:36 pm

I hope it’s okay that I am posting this, but since it’s on a public Live Journal, I figure it’s fair game.

Rebecca McNulty wrote a little tribute to Darren Hron. Darren is just one of those fundamentally good people that one meets in the course of one’s life – and a rare individual who (amazingly) has managed to maintain a tender heart, despite the machinations of the world.

To Darren . . .

Another Look at Leia

Filed under: Entertainment — lmwalker @ 5:12 pm

I am swayed enough by a visceral cinematic experience to not be entirely convinced by this article, but Jonathan Last’s political analysis of Star Wars makes some intriguing points.

Down with midi-chlorians! Boo! Boo! Hiss! Hiss!

Not Your Average D&D

Filed under: Rambles — lmwalker @ 4:39 pm

Chris Hutchens sent me an intially dry, but ultimately interesting article MSN article explaining why economists could learn a thing or two from the Fortune 500.

As Chris says: I think anything involving game theory is interesting…

Not Your Average D&D

Filed under: Rambles — lmwalker @ 4:39 pm

Chris Hutchens sent me an intially dry, but ultimately interesting article MSN article explaining why economists could learn a thing or two from the Fortune 500.

As Chris says: I think anything involving game theory is interesting…

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