Tarry for the Nonce

July 30, 2004

Monstro, Beware!

Filed under: Rambles — lmwalker @ 11:14 am

Avoid the bone-eating worms.

Worms anchored to the skeleton of a young gray whale in a watery canyon off the coast of California are the first known whalebone-eating marine worms . . .

The worms are the latest discovery in a branch of biology focused on the life that springs up on sunken whale carcasses. These carcasses — “whale falls,” in science-speak — dot the ocean floor and sustain colorful and mysterious oases of life, according to Science author Robert Vrijenhoek, a researcher from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in Moss Landing, Calif.

The very thought gives me the jitters.


  1. Ewww…that gives a whole new meaning to the lost Skeleton of Cadavra. No wonder Monstro was so postal.

    Mister Gepe-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-etto!

    Comment by El — July 30, 2004 @ 3:29 pm

  2. The pictures of them were so cool, though! And the fact that the worms are all female, because the male worms actually live inside the females. Males reduced to a specialized body structure. Amazing.

    Comment by Kevin — July 31, 2004 @ 12:47 am

  3. No kidding! This is probably the coolest thing i’ve learned today! I was also intruiged by the fact that they are homes to symionic bacteria, almost like they are a biological host to the ‘true’ race. Tok’ra anyone?

    Comment by Robert — July 31, 2004 @ 7:52 pm

  4. heehee, nice one Robert.


    Comment by Barb — August 1, 2004 @ 11:21 am

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